Making it “Right”

Yesterday was a tough day for many of us Friends of Gary Walker as we held a Memorial to say our last “Good-Bye’s”

This was an unexpected death and I know many of you have gone through this but at the time it’s so tough, we all want just that one last time to say I Love You, You Mean alot to Me, Thank You for giving into my life, One more Big Hug, just two (2) more minutes to catch up but most important things to the gang I was with is “I’m sorry for anything I might have said or done to harm our frienship,” then “are you right with your maker?”

Gary was a very dear friend, he always wanted to make people laugh, he was such an encourager, loved the Lord, committed to his friends, photographer, insurance agent, karaoke singer, dancer, party host, group organizer, leader, friend, brother, husband, family man … you know just one of those Good Guys that was always there for everyone.

Personally Gary always encouraged me and accepted me as I am which is nearly impossible in today’s world. Only one time in five (5) years did Gary and I have disagreement and that lasted about three (3) weeks then when we ran into each out at Savoy South Largo Community Dance we sat took time to ask each other for forgivness and all was well again. Gary stated how refreshing it is to have someone forgive you But even if they don’t accept your forgivness that is between them and God it’s not on the person asking for forgivness, once you ask for someone’s forgivness it’s on them as to how they handle it.

Two weeks before Gary passed we were told at his Memorial he was calling people stating “I’m tired of fighting the cancer battle and I just want to go home, please know I love you and please forgive me.” This was shared with us by his Sunday School Teacher & Friend, Ron as well message from his ex-wife. FUNNY thing is cancer Is Not what killed Gary he went into the hosptial for “outpatient surgery,” developed infection and lived only three (3) short days without ever waking up to say ‘Good-Bye’ to anyone not even his Family … Appreciate Today and tell those you truly Love how you feel about them. Stealing the famous commercial “Just Do It!”

Let’s face it we are each one “wonderfully and uniquely made!” No one is like you or me and personally I don’t want anyone to be exactally like me! Each of Us have a unique purpose in life and we cannot accomplish someone else’s tasks in the grand picture.

Thus the real reason behind me writing this today, I want to Publically ask for Forgivness to anyone out there that I might have said or done something offensive to, but then on the other hand you that know me know I will be calling, texting or emailing to ask for forgivness.

Life is too short and the past week the death of our Brother & Friend, Gary Walker brought this to light as a new fresh reminder. Age is No Respector of Person and none of us are guaranteed tomorrow, heck not even the rest of today. Make sure you have your “ducks in a row,” have made peace with others as well as your God.

Thank you so much to Ron & Mac of Mirror Image Class for putting together the event yesterday! Thank you to John Kilgore for your Musical Talents as we honored Gary in songs. Thank You to all the FRIENDS that attended and the fellowship, jokes and laughter afterwards as Gary would have wanted it to be upbeat and fun.

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Until next time, make it right, make it REAL FUN … Brenda

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